Banuary rolls on and I am still feeling as positive as ever.
It’s marvelous.
Apparently by day 21 I will have 0% booze in my body. That is a nice thought I can tell you.
Will you have 0% booze in yours?
Will you?
Anyway, i've been meaning to tell people about Andy Warhol.
I went to see his
exhibition at The Hayward.
I didn't really know much about him until I went, and I am glad I did go and now know more.
Obviously I knew about
this and
this, but I knew very little about his films from the 60's.
They were amazing.
Nearly all the work Andrew Warhola did captured real life in some way.
Having celebrity friends obviously helped as his work contained the rich and famous, but it was his films that most interested me.
His first movie ‘Sleep’ was a five hour film of his naked boyfriend sleeping. Again, nothing happened but it was just so interesting as it isn't something you generally see, yet is obviously so familiar.
‘Empire’ was an 8 hour shot of the Empire State building. Within that time very little happened, but you felt compelled to watch it.
One of the best ones was when he shot (not blat blat) Henry Geldzahler. He sat for 90 minutes infront of a camera. To start with he was animated and acting, but then, the longer he sat the more restless and uncomfortable he became, apparently ending up in the fetal position. Warhol had captured it for all to see. Human nature at work.
With Warhol a lot of people think 'i could have done that' the difference being you didn't and he did.
Anyway, good work Andrew, you played a blinder.
Amazing and inspiring. Go and see it now.