And so the Turner Prize exhibits have arrived at The Tate! Jolly good show too!
I really enjoy it. I like the debate that it makes us all have about modern art, and what indeed is modern art. It makes you think, and thinking is good.
And I am sure 'Is Banksy really art?' will be discussed again and again as it always is year after year. Move on people!
Anyway, i feel rather let down by this years entries, especially the work of Cathy Wilkes.
'I Give You All My Money', above, is basically a couple of shop window mannequins sitting next to a supermarket check out.
I pressume it is a comment against rising prices in supermarkets? Perhaps how Sainsburys and Tesco are killing the corner shop? How Cathy can't stop buying Morissonss value chips? I don't know.
But this is the bit that i find a bit strong. I read that a critic liked 'her personal approach to figurative sculpture'
I beg your pardon? Figurative sculpture? Where? I can't see it?
There are so many amazing bits of 'modern art' around at the moment that is way ahead of people like Cathy, but they would never get a look in because they simply aren't on 'the scene'.
Have you seen Slinkachu? That is well considered figurative sculpture! He is pushing modern art way harder than Cathy Wiles ever will.
Don't lose what is good Turner Prize.
The past was wonderful, lets make sure the future is as good!