I have been thinking about whether or not to go down to Bank for a scrap, not sure?
Then i started thinking about things i am upset about at the moment.
If i am going to go I want something original to fight about, i want my own chant, my own message. There are alot of people down there just fighting for the hell of it, i want a cause.
Obviously people are cross with the economy, cross about Iraq, upset about Banks, but i want something original to fight about.
Thinking about it I bought a whisk from Ikea the other day, and however much i wash it i just can't get bits off it as the plastic is to sticky, and now because i scrub it so much it has got rougher, thus attracting more bits.
And thinking about it, that makes me really cross!
Yeah, right, that's it!
You f*&king sh*ts! F*&k you Ikea! I'm f*&king off! Well cross. Coppers are going to wish Ikea had thought long and hard before putting that whisk on sale.
Watch the TV tonight, you might see me ramming my whisk into plods face, and if you have any grievances why not come and have a fight.
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