Happy Saint Georges Day.
I feel a little bit like Stephen Fry as i have just done some research into why we celebrate this day, and i thought i would share it.
Salone in Libya was a lovely little place and it had a lovely little lake that the people used to use to get drinking water.
Anyway, this dragon liked the look of the lake too and made a nest right on its edge meaning that everyone was to terrified to go and get water for fear of being eaten.
So, they came up with a plan.
Each day the locals would bring sheep for the dragon, dragon loved this shit! He would simply sit and they would bring him sheep. The dragon would then let the locals come and get water. That's compromise.
Anyway, one day the sheep ran out!! Shite!! No problem, we will then give the dragon the kids. Excellent, problem solved.
That was until the daughter of the King was put on a plate for the dragon. Uh oh!
So King said to the people 'if anyone will kill the dragon and save my Princess i will give you loads of cash and stuff'
All the villagers said 'uh, like no way mate, that's a massive dragon'
At that point Saint George rode past and heard the deal the King had put forward.
With that, he got on his horse, rode up to the dragon, gave it a sound beating, saved the Princess, and bathed in glory. (he then blackmailed the locals to become christian, but we won't talk about that)
He was a hero! He had saved the Princess. He had demonstrated the values of chivalry and that needed to be celebrated.
Various people throughout time then also bigged up George and so he is now celebrated yearly.
And so, i think Saint Georges Day should all be about chivalry.
No one really gives a shite about it, but if the day had more purpose people would get involved, rather than just drinking shite English ale that bad pubs serve.
And chivalry is a wonderful thing. I practice it regularly and feel more people should.
There is nothing wrong with being a gentleman after all.
And so this it where it ends.
Chaps, today make sure you treat ladies well, open doors, let them go first, carry their bags, it will make us all feel better.
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