Day 23 into Banuary and I can safely say that I have noticed a difference.
I awoke on Monday morning feeling really bright and alert. I felt far more awake than you should after a weekend. I have heard that it takes 3 weeks for alcohol to be totally removed from your system, and that just happens to coincide with my feeling good.
I was so amazed on how I felt that I was, for a split second, prepared to make Banuary a 60 day month. It might still happen.
I can well recommend the Banuary feeling to anyone, it's rather good. Even my brain feels tipity top.
Mr T Total's wagon has safety bars and harnesses, there is no way he could possibly fall off.
And, in the grand scheme of it all, it is lager that has made me feel this way.
Stella is my nurse mopping my brow.
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