My new niece, Eliza, had her first solids on Saturday might, i was there to witness it, it was lovely.
Anyway, this simple story revolves around the next morning when i was put on nappy duty.
Sister said, 'go on Wee Wee*, you change her nappy' 'yeah, cool, i'll do it'.
Wee Wee begins changing process. Wee Wee removes outer layer, Wee Wee removes nappy, and then it hits you!
What i smelt was something i had never experienced before, it was raw, pure!
They really should use the scent to disperse crowds, or use it in interrogation rooms.
Anyway, having began the cleaning process i then had to get Sister to step in.
I am not man enough to change a babies nappy!
Well done babies, you are brilliant, you have humbled me.
*How i am known to my other 4 year old niece Bessie.