It is that time of year again.
Generally i am a pretty chipper chap, but it is around this time of year when i get low and sad.
It isn't the weather, nor is it the fact that the nights are getting darker already.
It isn't the books i choose to read, or the music i listen to.
It is the fact that the f'cking football season is back!
Every year i loathe it more and more!
I have loved the cricket, the swimming, the tennis, the golf, even the f*cking F1!
But here we go, every leading sports news story from here til June will be about football.
Even winning the ashes will probably be eclipsed by whether Steve Coppell is going to buy the brown or black leather sofa from DFS.
I now officially hate football, it has been on the cards for the last 4 or 5 years, but it is now fact.
Football, fact off!
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