A little song all about Josef Fritzl and his rather nasty daughter keeping antics.
I hate to say it, but this makes it seem ok, of course it isn't, but its like when you watch a horror film and imagine nice music.
Anyway........perhaps i should shh now.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
BMX boys have alot of fun.
Mexican wave!
License to brill.

Generally i am not a fan of the BBC and what they are doing right now with programming.
Gone are they days of incredible documentaries!
Gone are the days of cutting edge comedy!
Gone are the days of sensational entertainment.
It's all gone, and what is left is rubbish!
Cop show repeat Moyles based Middle England Fern Cotton rubbish, yet, we still have to fork out £140 for the privilege of watching and listening to this cack.
So, a thought.
When you pay your license you get the opportunity to let the BBC know where you want them to spend your money.
Online you get the opportunity to customise how you want your £140 spent.
I for example would put 50 quid into comedy, 50 quid into sport, and maybe 40 quid into documentaries.
I wouldn't want my money going anywhere near Radio 1, Ross, or 9 o'clock cop shows.
That way we are working out the budgets for them, they don't have to pretend to know what we want.
I think that would work.
If you work for Auntie, can you pass this to someone in power.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Are they still the prodigy?
I have only just heard The Prodigy's new song Omen, it's pretty good i think.
I love the fact that they are paying homage to their past with some of the little samples in their.
But, i think they need to step it up as we have bands like Pendulum now who have taken the Prodigy sound on, so Prodigy are now not alone in the genre they created.
And, if you listen to this, it even sounds like Pendulum.
Anyway, have you seen this?
That is what i am talking about!
Thanks darling Danna.
I love the fact that they are paying homage to their past with some of the little samples in their.
But, i think they need to step it up as we have bands like Pendulum now who have taken the Prodigy sound on, so Prodigy are now not alone in the genre they created.
And, if you listen to this, it even sounds like Pendulum.
Anyway, have you seen this?
That is what i am talking about!
Thanks darling Danna.
Sky Minus™

So, i am really pretty ropey at the moment with a chest infection so i spent alot of yesterday lying on the sofa watching Sky Sports News and it got me thinking.
You know when they have pundits watching the footie matches live and they are basically reporting on what is happening? Well, could you take that to all of Skys programs?
Sky Minus™ is a free Sky service where you listen to people describing what is happening on programs like Lost of Gladiators.
'Ouch, Sawyer just got punched by Lock, but it is ok as that foxy lady is coming to save him, blimey, that is a big gun she has found'
'Oh no, hang on, Lock just looked skyward and he seems to have spotted ET coming down for a swim'
These pundits could be celebs, members of the public, even kids and they all sit around describing different programs that you tune into.
You could even download MP3's to your Walkman.
I think this could work really well, starting people on the expensive road to full Sky HD + Prime Gold.
To good to be true,.
When you first watch this is almost looks faked.
Before you know it an ad agency will be using something similar to help sell motor insurance.
Oh no no no no no.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Is this ad relevant to you? Should you care?
I have a massive problem with this ad.
Don't get me wrong, as a spectacle i love it, who wouldn't? Reminds me of Swindon Oasis. (Apparently Noel and Liam went for a day out there many years ago.)
But i have a total problem in the fact that it is obviously not based in Britain, and i presume that is where i would be using my Barclaycard? Does this technology exist in other countries?
At the start of the ad everyone speaks with an English accent, yet as soon as we are outside it is far from English/British.
It is just another ad that isn't truly considered and stinks of a creative team wanting another free jolly.
Buck up your ideas people, i would have thought this would have been equally as good if we saw relevant things, stopping at Lidl, going past a local cop busting some hoddies, you get my point.
And did you see this. Sorry Dare, that is self indulgent, do you really think people are going to make their own? Really? Honestly?
Don't get me wrong, as a spectacle i love it, who wouldn't? Reminds me of Swindon Oasis. (Apparently Noel and Liam went for a day out there many years ago.)
But i have a total problem in the fact that it is obviously not based in Britain, and i presume that is where i would be using my Barclaycard? Does this technology exist in other countries?
At the start of the ad everyone speaks with an English accent, yet as soon as we are outside it is far from English/British.
It is just another ad that isn't truly considered and stinks of a creative team wanting another free jolly.
Buck up your ideas people, i would have thought this would have been equally as good if we saw relevant things, stopping at Lidl, going past a local cop busting some hoddies, you get my point.
And did you see this. Sorry Dare, that is self indulgent, do you really think people are going to make their own? Really? Honestly?
Chad after the dentist.
People are still getting miles out of David.
Not that special really, but just like the idea of Darth in the back of a beaten up car coming home from the dentist, perhaps with a lolly for being good.
Why have they called him Chad? Anyone?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Do i not like the sound of that!

I had a right good thought.
Soundtracks for books!
I always listen to music when i read, helps block out things around you, and the music i listen to doesn't generally have vocals, apart from Girls Aloud and Britney of course, so i think it helps you to concentrate.
So, books should come with a soundtrack the heightens the reading experience.
Imagine. A book in the future would have future music, from the past, perhaps harpsichord, strings, a thriller has glitchy scary music, Mills and Boon comes with Westlife greatest hits, you get the idea.
I honestly think this is an ace idea.
I'm looking for backing, willing to give away 22 percent.
Success in pints!

The Four Pint Club rolled on last night.
It was the third outting for the club and might i say it was a roaring success.
Next up The Four Pint Club is going to take to the road as we attempt a world first. 4 pints in 4 different pubs, logistically it could very easily fail.
Anyway, well done The Four Pint Club.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Got any change mate?

In September last year i set a little challenge to see who would be the first person to successfully collect an entire set of the new coins the mint had created.
Well, at the end of last year a few of you had completed the task and had moved on.
I however am still going!
I am still having trouble getting my hands on a 50p and a 2p, a task which is starting to everso slightly annoy me.
Trouble is i won't feel whole until i find what i am looking for. I now know how Bono felt all them years ago.
P.S. Just in case you wanted the origianl whole with the origianl ho here it is.
Hi five.
Lush piece from Improv Everywhere.
I love all this stuff going on out in the real world making peoples lives way better.
Well done you!
And well done DNS for letting me see this with my eyes.
This is good too.
Monday, February 16, 2009
A night out with Sheryl.

It would appear Twitter might be better than Copper!
Lance Armstrong had his bike pinched from the tour bus, so he has got his followers to keep their little Internet eyes open.
He has even thrown in a reward, I've heard it is a night out with his ex Sheryl Crow!
Bye bye bike!
'This ain't no disco, it ain't no country club either, this is LA' A Policeman was heard saying after Lance reported the theft.
Skate or Die!
I have only just seen this.
It is amazing, or, at least, it looks amazing.
I am sure playing it isn't quite as good as the idea seems, but well done Illusion Labs and whoever had the thought.
You will never ever beat the best skate game ever so back off Touchgrind.
An Afternoon Tea.

My darling friend Mette and i went for Afternoon Tea at the Covent Garden Hotel on Saturday and i can't talk highly enough about it.
It was amazing.
I can't believe i am saying this, but i have never ever done proper Afternoon Tea, so this was a total first.
Fingers of sandwiches, egg, salmon, beef and cucumber, fruit cake, fairy cakes, scones, jam, tarts, all washed down with some dirty champers.
Get and do it!
Take the afternoon off and go do Afternoon Tea!
Especially, go and do it at Covent Garden Hotel as in the grand scheme of Afternoon Tea it appeared to be cheap.
I think i am going to start a club that goes and tries them all out.
I might even put it together with The Four Pint Club at some point.
Afternoon Tea, thanks.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Valentines Smarties.

Smarties should do heart shaped Smarties on Valentines day!
If you know someone who works there can you send them this link please?
Thanks for your support.
Speaking of support, did you see this?
The poor women, all them babies, forced on her, she could do with our help couldn't she?
Not sure whether to pay by Mastetcard, Visa or Paypal........
David after the Divorce.
This was one of the my favourite things a couple of weeks ago.
Some clever people have taken the idea on.
Thanks again clever people, always got time for clever people. Always!
Some clever people have taken the idea on.
Thanks again clever people, always got time for clever people. Always!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Why haven't i seen this?

Can you explain to me why i have never seen any of these?
I just want to know why as they are very very funny indeed and am having trouble understanding why you haven't shown me.
Are you selfish and wanted to keep them for yourself?
Was that it?
Joey, Titian was 86 when he died!

Did you read about this?
MP's havin a right old laugh changing Wikipedia enteries.
Well done Members of Parliament.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Stalefish nollie kickflip grab!

This really is one of the most beautiful things i have seen for seconds.
It kind of reminds me of all them carvings you get in Oxfam where they make a table out of the roots of a tree.
Big up Loren Kulesus, big up Loren Kulesus.
Motorbiker Scout!

More glorious things in here.
Magic all around us, everywhere!
Thanks Balakov, you have brought a smile to a tough day.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Rubbish Onion!
Have you seen this new clip from The Onion?
It isn't good so i probably wouldn't bother with it.
It isn't good so i probably wouldn't bother with it.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Load of wii wii!
I had this idea last night!
Imagine doing it with an orchestra of beatboxers or cats.
Bugger, i was supposed to be able to retire today, yeah, thanks alot Nintendo.
I had this idea last night!
Imagine doing it with an orchestra of beatboxers or cats.
Bugger, i was supposed to be able to retire today, yeah, thanks alot Nintendo.
David after the Dentist.
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