I have noticed a new phenomena. Mobbing! (mobile sobbing)
Because, obviously, we now all have mobile phones, i have noticed far more women, and sometimes men, crying on the street.
News that used to only be delivered in restaurants, pubs and at home, is know being delivered on the street, in front of everyone, over mobile phones.
You've lost your job!
You're dumped.
Your cat died.
I'm gay!
All of these sorts of things are being thrown at people in very public places, so, obviously you get to see the fallout.
I want to get some badges printed saying 'Here to help' 'I'm a shoulder' as it is really horrid having to wander past these poor people who are in distress.
Samaritans should have a raft of mobile operatives on the streets of the UK helping where they can.
They could have big Superman style S's on their chests.
Anyway, that's it, no more to read here......
......apart from this.
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