I have an MP3 player, i am sure you do too.
When listening to the above mentioned MP3 player i often chose to listen to all my MP3's in a random order, i am sure some of you do this too.
So, that is 3973 tracks being randomly selected and randomly played. That is pretty random.
So can someone explain to me why my MP3 player, when set to random, decides to play most of my music which starts with the letter 'P'.
The Police, Prince, Plaid, Portishead, basically anything starting with 'P' gets played far more often than anything else. (And i don't have an illness which means i only buy artists that begin with 'P'. I have an awful lot of non 'P' artists.)
My MP3 player isn't random. It has a technology within it that tells it not to be random, you would think being totally random would be easier for it to work out.
I fear it is trying to infiltrate my mind, i do hope it is not.
Oh yes, this is Schrödinger cat.
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