Please please please can we stop all these awful international TV ads. Haven't we had enough!
The new Honda ad has an idea that could have been for any brand.
You can so spot the post-rationalisation of the idea. Lets just stick a strap line on the sums up the idea.
Dave - 'Chaps, lets make one of those big 3D puzzles and lets do something with Rubix Cubes'
Mike - 'But Dave, it has nothing to do with Honda or what Honda stand for?'
Mike - 'As long as we mention solving and playgrounds in the strapline Mike we will be fine'
Please please, lets move on.
Ahhhhhhhhhh, I'm happy now!
No, no i'm not, i just remembered this!!
What the f*&k are they thinking!! Terrible pile of shite!! Tell me, again, by putting the strap line 'Beautifully arranged' makes it alright does it? Does it?
Tell me a relevant story! Even the new Stella ad is a let down, and they have done some of the best ads ever.
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