I went to the Tate Modern yesterday. It was very good.
You might have heard that they have this big crack in the entrance hall. This artist thought it up then got 300,000 grand to make it so.
Apparently Shibboleth (the name of the piece)"represents borders, the experience of immigrants, the experience of segregation, the experience of racial hatred" which is what i thought when i first saw it.
A Tate Modern lady then went on to explain the idea more. If you couldn't say the word 'Shibboleth' you were shot and like proper killed. If you could say 'Shibboleth' you were not shot and not proper killed. So, the crack symbolizes the 2 sides, one being lots of dead people and the other being lots of alive people.
I think we should do a modern version of Shibboleth. You say 'Nike' you live, you say 'Nikey' you die.
You should certainly go and see it, it is amazing.
And whilst Phil and i were their, interacting with the art work, we got our photo taken and will apparently be appearing in an International art magazine that recognises brilliant installation interacters. I'm sure we will look very good as i did have my best side out.
I have nothing more to say on the matter, get back to work.
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