Get 5 different flavours of Gary Lineker's Walkers crisps (as they all look pretty similar).
Put them all into a pile in the middle of the table, mix thoroughly.
Without smelling, fingering or examining any of the crisps pick out 5 and place them infront of you, everyone does the same.
You then must put money on the hand you think you have.
One by one you eat the crisps and work out your hand.
Here is the hand ratings, Four of a Kind beats them all.
Five of a Kind. eg. 5 x Cheese and Onion
Full House. eg. 3 x Salt and Vinegar, 2 x Bacon
Flush. eg. 1 of each of the 5 flavours
Three of a Kind. eg. 3 x Chicken
Two Pairs. eg. 2 x Cheese and Onion, 2 x Bacon
One Pair. eg. 2 x Chicken
The person with the winning hand takes all the money.
Once you have finished a few hands celebrate by eating and drinking more.
Brilliant idea, theHale, but there's a teeny flaw in your scoring system. Your Flush is effectively 5 of a kind, and should therefore be the top hand.
Word to the wise!
How do you check for cheating? Or is it an element of trust involved there?
Trust comes free with the game, no fee's!
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