Friday, June 24, 2011

All Change.

Dear Reader,

Please be aware that as of today, All Hale has moved.

He can now be found at

This in no way effects your statutory rights, so pleased don't be alarmed.

Thanks for your time.

All Hale.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pulp F*ction.

Pulp Fiction, but only the swear words, all 429 of them.

Totally and utterly great, and you can even understand the film.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Memory Tapes

Awesome tune, pretty tight video.

Long player out next month, i will be getting that i will.

This is also a super little tune, well done Com Truise.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Tinie Travis.


That is just well lush!

Go Travis.

Go Tinie.

Nitro Circus Las Vegas.

Just some rad stuff going on.

3 people back flip is well smart.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

MJ ain't dead, he's alive!

There has been alot of talk about Michael Jordan recently, as a chap called Scottie Pippen suggested that another chap called LeBron James was indeed the best basketball player ever.

Now i don't really care much for basketball, but Michael and his range of sneakers played a big part in my life growing up, i even got this poster after buying a pair of Jordan 5's from Olympus Sport in Swindon, i remember the day fondly.

Anyway, I'm with Magic, well, i'm not with know......with him......but i'm with him, Jordan ruled.

Still waiting for another release of these too.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Runaround now!!!!

I filmed this last night in my local Ikea.

On top of the pole was one of them cheap mashers, it would appear it was the last one in the store.

Just poo it.

As a film i like it cause it is a load of dudes doing knalry stuff, i don't like it as a brand film as it is just a load of dudes doing kanrly stuff.

Anyway, sort of well done knarly dudes.


Just having a quick morning reminisce.

Judge had BMX Flyer. (above)

Chris had Astro Wars.

I had Astro Blaster, which was very much like Scramble.

Amazing all.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Store Buy Out.

The dude who got a house from a paperclip went into a store in New York, and purchased everything.

He then made all the items into bespoke art pieces and put them in a gallery. He is then going to sell them all.


Coke float.

All is want to know is why this has not been done before now??


Personal Jesus 2011.

Don't get me wrong, i do love The Depeche Mode, but this is rather odd.

I hope they don't just start re-releasing shit versions of smashing tracks.