Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cheese & Pepper.

Don't get me wrong, i like Cheese & Pepper, but at the same time i also like Milk & Cheese.

Only one thing for it!



Monday, March 29, 2010

Xbox v Polar.

Xbox or Playstation should team up with Polar to make controllers that check you heart rate, sweat levels, adrenalin etc.

Then as you play games they change according to how excited, relaxed, enthralled you are.

Imagine! Rather than your controller rumbling when your character gets knackered, you getting knackered makes it rumble.

All this data then gets uploaded so you get an overview of how excited/thrilled/tense the world is right now.

Then, all the date feeds a global chart of the most exciting game to play or the number 1 game for fear, etc etc.

I know you can get this for Wii already, but Wii ain't for the serious gamer.

Let's make it!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


An alarm clock that you have to disarm.

I like that.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Young me/Now me.

A wonderful little idea.

I think i am going to have to find some old photos.



Dorling Kindersley.

I like books, i like this.

Books ain't dead yet, although i did see a Kindle, and it is kinda nice.

Music From A Bonsai.

Following on from big tree Diego Stocco plays the small tree.

Posh mini golf.

La Bolleur made magic golf things, delightfully looking things i am sure you will agree.

I Am Not An Artist.

I Am Not An Artist is where animated gif's live.

Thanks Matthew Cooper and Johnny Kelly.

Monday, March 22, 2010

James Corden.

I'm not a fan of James Corden, although i did like the first series of Gavin & Stacey, but i thought this was most excellent.

Can't work out if it is real or brilliantly stuck together, doesn't matter, good show!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Motor magic.

ZIMOUN created this most amazing installation.

Swiss wonder.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Daniel Arsham.

Most enjoying Daniels work.

I love the light he manages to capture.

It looks like these things happen during sunrise and sunset only.


Biggest skid ever.

Uh, what the hell is going on here.

'Well, ahhh, i ahhhh, felt a little bump, and ahhhhhh, i thought i had hit a rabbit' (Said in slightly East European accent)


What Mars might look like.

I think it does actually look like the top of a Mars Bar.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Alexa Meade.


Alexa paints things, then takes photos of them so they look like paintings.

That is magical.

Thank you James Hilton.

Loser. Flush.

Great video, for a sweet little song.

Well done all round.

Lonely Island. Boombox.

New song from Lonely Island.

Not a patch on I'm On a Boat.

Not bad tho.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I love Jordan.

I had this poster on my wall when i was a lowercase R worshipping the mighty Michael Jordan, so you can imagine i am pretty excited to see that the original Jordan 1's are being re-released.

Shame they don't come with the same black toe as the originals, nice all the same.

And of course, without this photo we wouldn't have had this.

Astonishment / Sadness / Hapiness.

How's it going? is the work of Eunah Kim.

A lovely thing that physically measures emotion.

V Nice.

Piano Roulette.

A most wonderful thing.

Man sings to people on Chat Roulette, well why ever not.

Thanks DNS.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Jamie Boot.

Regular readers will know i love me shoes.

Well here is another shoe which i think needs to be added to my collection.

The Jamie Boot, brought to you by Folk.

Jamie's mate Andre is pretty nice too.


The Light Fantastic.

Hugo Chavez is getting all the light bulbs in Venezuela changed.

A massive force are sweeping the nation taking old light and adding new.

How brilliant.


Get your face on your Whopper wrapper as you purchase?

I think this is a brilliant way to stop people buying burgers!


I honestly don't want to be reminded that i am in a Burger King.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Lady Gaga. Telephone.

Amazing new video from The Gaga.

She is working with all the right people, incredible stuff.

Amazing work from Jonas Åkerlund.

"Very good"

Day 6.

God commands the land to bring forth living creatures. He makes wild beasts, livestock and reptiles. He then creates humanity in His "image" and "likeness". They are told to "be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it."

Humans and animals are given plants to eat.

The totality of creation is described by God as "very good".

I'm glad Day 6 happened otherwise this dude would not have made this.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Designs of the Year.

See this!

And then walk down a flight of stairs and see Dieter*.

*He is a German man, not someone obsessed by The Atkins.

Driving me mad.

So another racing game comes out that looks just like the last one. Like duh.

I think a British game manufacturer should take a punt and create a 'Race Britain' a game where you drive various circuits around the UK.

Imagine, racing along the Cornish coast going into little villages and towns. The Liverpool street circuit. Through Clifton Village in Bristol. Take on The Lake District. Through Sheffield's industrial estates... would be awesome.

Plus you do tie in's with local businesses and tourist spots, picking places to stay as you burn around the UK, for example.

Come on Codemasters, do it, make us proud.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fragball anyone?

Snowball Studio created this as a short film called Round 6, but now it is a trailer for a new game called Fragball.

How clever.

Shall we have a game? See you outside the Dog & Duck at 4.

Ironman 2.

Not long now!

I am actually rather excited.

Friday, March 5, 2010

An electric car?

Ok, it is only a concept, but this is one of the best looking cars i have ever seen.

Why isn't there a car out that looks like this?


Well done Seat working people design staff.


An idea to make floating islands, no better way to deal with rising sea levels.

Rock on!

Michael Johansson.

Some delightful things from Michael Johansson.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Danse Dance.

Danse Dance is an experiment about re-discovering our daily surroundings, why not go play with Danse's desk.

Thanks people.


Thanks very much Beeple, i like this.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ok Go.

And the award of best executed most ripped off idea ever goes too...

Took 60 takes to get the final one, my my.

Nice behind the scenes here.

...wonderful, thanks.


Lots of numbers!

To many numbers!

Numbers, numbers, numbers.