There is something so damn manly about logs!
I wish i had a massive axe, a forest, and the need to make logs.
Because, if i had logs i could get one of these, and that would make me happy.
Thanks wood, thanks trees, thanks logs.
Imagination is more important than knowledge
There is something so damn manly about logs!
I wish i had a massive axe, a forest, and the need to make logs.
Because, if i had logs i could get one of these, and that would make me happy.
Thanks wood, thanks trees, thanks logs.
I like rugby, i really do, and this weekend i will like rugby more as The Lions tour begins.
Oddly, to coincide with the tour beginning some clever people have put some nice video clips together kind of advertising the start of the tour.
Well done clever people, i like your advertising the tour materials.
I must admit, over the last couple of months i have gone off white trainers, but i will always get over excited when it comes to the release of old Air Jordans.
I think this is the best thing i have ever seen in my life!